Ivy Tech student productions presented "Eurydice" written by Sarah Ruhl for two weekends in April. Directed by Paul Daily, the play was a modern version of a classic greek myth.
Former Ivy Tech student Chelsea Sherman, cast as Eurydice, said, "The character study and performance was challenging, as well as exhilarating. Eurydice was a beautiful character to become a vessel for, and living in that world is something I'll always cherish. I learned so much from Paul and working with the other cast members."
Current Ivy Tech student and crew member in charge of lighting design, Brennan Edwards, said, "Eurydice was a pleasure to work on. David Wade's beautiful set was a dream to light, and afforded many creative opportunities. It's great to be able to light Paul Daily's vision, and I always have a great time designing for his productions. It's all an imaginative person could wish for. Students who would like to help should audition, take one of the theatre classes (Shoutout to Gustave Weltsek!), or email Paul Daily at pdaily3@ivytech.edu."