Find A Friend In An Ivy Tech Student Club

By Matt Batman

Campus Pride Officers

Photo from Ben Grimwood, left to right: spring 2015 Campus Pride officers, vice-president Katelyn Spencer, secretary/treasurer Walt Walters, president Elizabeth Sparks

Joining a student club could be a great way to meet other students with similar interests. We received information from a few different group organizers to help you build our local community at Ivy Tech Bloomington.

Campus Pride

Could you provide a basic description of your organization?

Campus Pride is a student-driven club that champions academic excellence and community service while providing a safe, supportive and educational space for students to share what it means to be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual or a Straight Ally.

What do you hope to achieve?

Campus Pride provides a safe, supportive and educational atmosphere in which for students to assemble and share what it means to be LGBTQIA. Campus Pride also serves as a resource to the community by providing information on LGBTQIA-related issues including, but not limited to, relationships, sex, health and well-being.

Our goals for the semester include: increasing meeting attendance; expanding gatherings to outside meeting hours; sending our officers for the first time to the Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Ally College Conference in Normal, IL; hosting our first-ever Campus Pride Week, which includes first-time collaborations with the Creative Writing Club to host an author whose work concentrates on LGBT themes and with Christian Challenge to promote a discussion about sexuality and religion with a possible film screening; and electing new officers for the 2015-16 academic school year.

What's a typical meeting like?

A typical meeting invites members to plan events and brainstorm ideas for community service projects. This Spring, our attention is on the first annual “Campus Pride Week”, an LGBT-themed week of activities that is common on many college and university campuses across the U.S.

How often and when do you meet?

Campus Pride meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 1PM in Room C132 in the Connie and Steve Ferguson Academic Building.

How can other students get involved?

For all the latest information, find us on Facebook and IvyLife!

Do you have an image/logo or picture from a recent meeting that you would want to include?

Art Club

Could you provide a basic description of your organization?

Art Club is for any one who enjoys making or looking at art.

What do you hope to achieve?

A sense of community, and to go on trips, have visiting artists come to speak top us, to hold workshops in various media and techniques.

What's a typical meeting like?

We talk and plan. It is a new club so we are just getting our way.

How can other students get involved?

Join us!!

Christian Challenge Club

Christian Challenge Club is nondenominational and meets for fellowship weekly. If you have a heart for the Lord or want to learn more about Christianity please join the Christian Challenge Club. Bring your lunch, enjoy a bible study, and meet other students like you.

This is our study for this semester: “A Beautiful Design.” Our culture is always shifting. Society tells us who we should be as men and women, but its message keeps changing. However, the Bible teaches us exactly who we are – men and women created equally but uniquely. God’s beautiful design for us is true and perfect, leading to joy and human flourishing. Throughout this series, we’ll learn precisely what God’s unchanging plan is and how it plays out in the ever-changing world we live in.

Students are invited to attend any session and can reach out to me for more questions

Tabletop Gaming Club

Could you provide a basic description of your organization?

Our club focuses on tabletop games (so board and card games, nothing electronic or requiring a computer or gaming system). We play all kinds of things, from classic board games to Magic: the Gathering.

What do you hope to achieve?

Our mission statement: “The Ivy Tech Tabletop Gaming Club will allow its members to gain experience in critical thinking, reasoning, and leadership skills through the use of social table top games.”

What's a typical meeting like?

Members gather to socialize while playing games. We have a large game collection and students just choose what they want to play that day and have at it. Sometimes we play in a large group, and sometimes we split into smaller groups and play different games. We might play a longer game that takes the entire meeting time, and other times we play shorter games, so it isn’t necessary to be able to come to the entire meeting to play. It is not uncommon to find us laughing, trash talking, or celebrating a win. We are a competitive group, but very friendly.

How often and when do you meet?

We meet multiple times each month. Our meeting schedule can be found on our club’s page on Ivy Life.

How can other students get involved?

Check out our meeting times on Ivy Life and come to a meeting! You’re welcome to come for all or just part of a meeting if you want to check us out. We’d love to have new members, or even just friends who stop by to play a game with us on occasion.

Tabletop Gaming Club Logo

Photo from Amber Celestin